But MY Note is Good
First, I want to emphasize that quality Notes,
where the payors have very good credit and at
least 20% equity in the property, are still
selling for 88% to 95% of face value. (If you
have a quality Note like this and are thinking of selling
it, I strongly suggest you sell it now, while there are
Note Buyers with the available liquidity to buy quality
With this being said, I am now hearing
the following cry.
"But my Note is good, and they always pay on
time". This is the common and sad reply I am
receiving when I have to give Note Sellers a quote that
has a heavy discount due to their payors
subprime credit, with little or no down
payment. To us Note Buyers, this means the
payor who has little or nothing at risk, can easily walk,
leaving the Note Buyer with the liability of a
deteriorated property along with declining real estate
In today's market, Note Buyers are looking more at
LTV (loan to value) and credit worthiness
of the payors, than for yield. What do I mean by
this? In a nutshell, if a person has a low credit score
(below 650), Note Buyers are looking for at least 65%
cushion on the Notes they buy regardless of the
interest rate. For example, a $100K house selling for
$3,000 down, with the seller carrying a $97,000 Note,
with a low credit score can expect to be quoted in the
$63,000 range. YES, THIS IS A HEAFTY DISCOUNT!!!
However, there is a reason. Since Note Buyers have
no PMI (private mortgage insurance) the only security
we have is the equity in the property. Combine a high
credit risk, with no equity, and it becomes clear why
the discount is so high. This is not to mention in many
areas real estate prices are declining, especially in
areas where sub prime lenders defined property
The theme of this newsletter is to inform you "the
cheese have moved" since the sub prime melt
The reality is if you have Notes with subprime
payors, in today's market you have three
1. Keep the Note
2. Sell at a steep discount
3. Sell part of the Note and keep
part. ( This
option is becoming more and more favorable)
I wish I could offer 85% for sub prime Notes as I did a
few months ago. This was profitable for all
concerned. But those days are gone. To survive and
profit, we are going to have to change with the market,
because I guarantee the market is not going to
change for us.
I will be teaching a course in Owner Financing on
and 20th. In this class I will be emphasizing how
not only buy and SELL Notes in today's turmoil, but
how to buy and sell real estate in a chaotic market. Sign
up now. I limit my class size to 20, so be sure to
sign up early
to assure a seat, as well as get a discount.
If you have questions or have a Note to sell, or know
someone who wants to sell
a Note let
me know.
Copyright © H&P Capital Investments LLC
All rights reserved
To buy a note or sell a note, contact me at www.hpnotes.com
Country's bank that (1) issues currency (2) regulates
the supply of money and credit (3) holds deposits
representing the reserves of other banks. In the
United States the central bank is the Federal Reserve
Board. (Fed)
Tom's Speaking Schedule
How to Use Owner Financing in a
Chaotic Market
I will be teaching a course in notes
on January 19th
and 20th. In this class I will be
emphasizing how to
not only buy and SELL notes in
today's turmoil, but
how to buy and sell real estate in a
chaotic market.
up now.
I limit my class size
to 20, so be sure to
sign up early to assure a seat, as
well as get a
Tom Buys Your Real Estate Notes
Tom Henderson BUYS Owner Financed Real Estate Notes
A TALE of Two NOTE Quotes
The following two contrasting Note stories
represent a summary of the Note market at this
Last summer two Note sellers brought
me Notes to determine their value.
One Note
was less than a year old with a high LTV and low
credit score. I offered the Note seller in the 80%
for this Note. She declined the offer and said, "I
A couple of weeks ago, she
brought the
same Note to me again for pricing. Reality hit
her like
brick wall. No longer did this Note command 80%, but
now only 65% of the face value. While she
was "waiting", the market changed and changed
Around the same time last summer, another seller
brought me a Note that had 4 years of seasoning, a
large down payment, tons of equity, as well as his
payor had a 700+ credit score. He was offered in the
90% range. Like the other Note seller, he thought he
would just wait.
Then this week,
thinking the real estate market might
deteriorate further, and his Note might start to loose
value, he decided now was the time to sell his Note,
he asked me to reprice his Note. Because of
the equity, and high credit score, his Note was still
commanded in the 90% bracket. He was a happy
camper to be
able to convert his Note to cash.
Both of these stories have a couple of morals and
1. Waiting for a "better price" in today's
market can be detrimental
2. Quality Notes are still valuable.
If you have a quality Note, remember Moral #1. If you
have Notes to sell, NOW is
the time to sell them. If things start deteriorating any
more, the declining value of property is going to make
your Note worth less. It is that simple.
me if you have a Note, or Notes you want to
consider selling. We can discuss your goals and your
specific situation. But whatever you do, DO NOT
HESITATE. Thinking things will go back to where they
were before, or you want a "better price" and will
wait, may not be in your best interest, especially if you
need cash
Real Estate BUY Note Quote
Note Professor Notebook
If you have not attended a Note Professor "How To Get
Rich with Notes" class, be sure and purchase the
Note Professor Note Book manual to enhance your
knowledge of creative real estate
financing and note buying and selling.
Owner Financing Notes Education