Note Myth: Get More Money for Your House Using Owner Financing
Now that the sub prime market is
vanishing, 'gurus' are giving
you misleading information that owner
financing solves all your problems.
For example, in today's mail, I got two advertisements
for seminars touting that you can get a higher price for
property using owner financing. THIS IS A
I was reading with amazement how these "gurus"
were telling you that if you had a house worth
that is not selling, you could use owner
financing to get your price,
and sell this property immediately. All because the
buyers do not have to go through a bank to qualify.
While it is true you can command
a "higher selling price" using owner financing, this
does not translate into more money,
especially if
seconds are brought into the picture.
These gurus do a great sleight of hand by
a "higher price" with more money. THEY ARE NOT
Can we agree that buyers
with 5% or more down, with decent credit, can
take out a conventional loan, with no need for
financing. What "more buyers" really means
is more
sub prime borrowers. Sub prime borrowers
do not
make note buyers feel warm and fuzzy.
For example, take a scenario of a $150,000 house
where you got a $3,000 down payment and took back
a first lien note (the same concept applies to a wrap)
for $147,000 @ 9%.for 360 months. You now have a
hoard of buyers wanting the property. It appears
you got "full price" for your house, but did you
get more
money? How much cash would you
really receive if
you sold the note.
Now let's convert this note to cash. The note buyer
looking at little equity, at best, and at worst,
little equity
with a low credit score. Being conservative, let's
say a
note buyer would pay 85% of the unpaid balance
this note, which is $124,950 plus the $3,000
down. This is a grand total of
$127,950( not counting closing costs). You could
discounted the house to $135,000 and
received "more
money", but at a lower price. Are you beginning to
grasp and see that although you
got a "higher
price", this higher price did not translate into
money. Why? Because the note was
discounted due
to low equity and/or low credit score. Thus a "higher
price" is not the same as getting more money,is it?
magnify this concept where the gurus are telling you to
take back a second, which has no value to a note
buyer, not to mention the risk of loosing all your
second lien note's value should the first go into
default. Are you really receiving a "higher price?"
Does this mean there are no good reasons to owner
finance? Heavens no! Does this mean you should
never take back a second? Heavens no! There are
good reasons to owner finance and to take
seconds, but "getting a higher price" is not one
them. Why, because a "higher price" is not the
as getting more money.
Next month: I will discuss when smart investors
Copyright © H&P Capital Investments LLC
All rights reserved
To buy a note or sell a note, contact me at
Same as face interest rate stated on note.
Note Professor Notebook
If you have not attended a Note Professor "How To Get
Rich with Notes" class, be sure and purchase the
Note Professor Note Book manual to enhance your
knowledge of creative real estate
financing and note selling.
Buying Notes Education click here
Watch That Interest Rate
How Not to Get Pencil Whipped: by Tom Henderson
Let's review the three factors that determine the value
of a note. I call these factors THE THREE P'S.
1. the
People 2. the Property 3. the
Paper. In this issue I
am going to discuss one element of the
causes your note to become less valuable. I am
talking about low interest rate.
A good example was a note I received recently from a
lady where the equity in the property was more than
enough to give a note buyer a warm and fuzzy feeling.
The note had 55 months of seasoning. The credit
of the payors was in the high 600s. The problem was
the interest rate was only 5%. In today's
assume most note buyers want at least a 9%
Let's see what happens to the value of the
note when we put the data into time value of money
Here is what the original note looked like: (Original
terms were 240 months for $115,000)
N = 240
I/Yr = 5.00
PV = 115,000
Pmt = -758.95
FV = 0
After 55 months she brought the note to me. Here is
what the note looked like:
N = 185 (240 minus 55 payments made)
I/Yr = 5.00
PV = 97,746.17 (PV after
55 payments)
Pmt = -758.95
FV = 0
Now, let's assume a note buyer wants a 9% yield.
What is this note worth?
N = 185
I/Yr = 9
PV = 75,794.24
Pmt = -758.95
FV = 0
OUCH!!!! $75,794 for a note balance of almost
$97,746.17. This is of the
balance. Why? Because of the difference in the
interest rate spread. Let's do a little more calculator
practice. If she had charged 9% instead of 5% when
the note was created,here is
what her note would have looked like.
N = 240
I/Yr = 9
PV = 115,000
Pmt = -1,034.68
FV = 0
After 55 months, the 9% note would look like
N = 185
I/Yr = 9
PV = 103,331.23
Pmt = -1034.68
FV = 0
Because of the seasoning, equity, and good credit of
the payors, this note would have commanded a price
of at least 92% of the balance which is
$95,064. Why?
Because the note buyer would discount the note for
only the normal risks and accounting costs, not for
interest rate spreads.
Why did she charge such low interest? Because they
were "friends" and 5% was what the banks were
charging. This was a costly error. DON'T YOU
MAKE THIS MISTAKE.We ended up buying
a partial of this note, which solved her problems, but
she still would have preferred to sell all of her note.
The moral to this story: If you are going to owner
finance, charge more than the "market" interest.
will eliminate interest rate risks, and make your
more valuable if you need to sell.
Note Professor Notebook goes in depth into these
kinds of calculations.
If you need help in structuring
note to sell or buy,contact me. It can save you a
lot of money.
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All rights reserved
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